My brother, on Maui, has the world’s engrey solution, promise! But, because he is just a local, public school educated Hawaiian, without a title after his name, no investor’s who really deserve part of the return when it does hit Not Even Bishop Estate whose fudiciary duty requires them to at least call him back, and not only make deals with Big Wind! Moloka’i people deserve much better, and he agrees. He has a patent pending, with lawyers from one of the nation’s leading patent law firm representing him. They actually flew to Maui to meet him and do the initial work on the patent these dudes are the real deal! Have done national and international patent searches, and nothing comes even close. Check, all he needs is one person who believes in him who is PONO! Aloha no, a hui hou, malama pono
My brother, on Maui, has the world’s engrey solution, promise! But, because he is just a local, public school educated Hawaiian, without a title after his name, no investor’s who really deserve part of the return when it does hit Not Even Bishop Estate whose fudiciary duty requires them to at least call him back, and not only make deals with Big Wind! Moloka’i people deserve much better, and he agrees. He has a patent pending, with lawyers from one of the nation’s leading patent law firm representing him. They actually flew to Maui to meet him and do the initial work on the patent these dudes are the real deal! Have done national and international patent searches, and nothing comes even close. Check, all he needs is one person who believes in him who is PONO! Aloha no, a hui hou, malama pono